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RACE 1 2021/2022 SEASON

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For the second time in 2021, FTM racers got to ride the legendary ramparts linking the old Casemates Prison to the Maritime Museum and Dolphin Quest. With the failure to show of 25-30mph winds and rain, it was one of the more enjoyable opening events of our awesome season.

As it was on March 7th this year, and I repeat, the historically rainy and windy event was comparatively mild with a slight sprinkle here and there. The wind blew 16-22mph from southwest torturing racers heading out to Casemates and pushing them back towards the finish 

In 60 class Race A (still at its reduced time of 45 minutes under current race size restrictions) Conor White Led a strong field of both Mountain Bikers and “Roadies”. Bad luck with punctures took out newcomer Steven Smith and experienced Racer Chequan Richardson quite early. The rest of the Riders quickly settled into a few chase groups who worked to battle the headwinds throughout most of the race. Class B showed more individual drama with Nico Davis, Runner Kevin Smith and the ever athletic Spencer Butterfield pulling away form the rest fairly early in the first lap.


Kevin then stepped up his pace and Butterfield may not have chosen the right time to bridge the gap. Once the two race results were compiled, It was Conor for the win with Alan Potts Second and Cameron Morris third.

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